Yutaka Miyazaki Sensei 宮崎先生
Sachio Maeda Sensei 前田先生
Sakamoto Sensei (Current Head Instructor)
The Choyokan Kendo Dojo was established in 1979 and is a nonprofit organization registered with the State of Illinois. Founded by Yutaka Miyazaki Sensei, the Dojo has slowly grown due largely to the efforts of Miyazaki Sensei and a core group of students. The Dojo is now fortunate to have hosted several guest Sensei over the years from Japan and other parts of the world.
A little history for those of you who may not be familiar with how Choyokan started. Miyazaki Sensei founded Choyokan about 45 years ago, a couple years after he arrived in Chicago. The original dojo was on Belmont Avenue downtown. After a few years, Saturday classes were added in the suburbs, initially in Skokie. Miyazaki Sensei returned to Japan about 30 years ago to work and turned over Choyokan to his students, who incorporated Choyokan as a not-for-profit corporation. We were most fortunate to have Sachio Maeda sensei (see picture on the left) join us from Chicago Kendo Dojo at that time. He was the Head instructor until his passing in 2010.
The original Senseis felt teaching children the etiquette and skills of kendo were important. This attitude is pervasive in the Choyokan teachers. Choyokan has always been known for honest kendo with strong etiquette. We hope that everyone will enjoy the exploration of kendo with us.
Choyokan is a member of the Midwest Kendo Federation (MWKF)and affiliated with the All United States Kendo Federation (AUSKF) and the International Kendo Federation (IKF).
シカゴ朝陽館剣道道場は1979年に設立され、イリノイ州に登録された非営利団体です。 宮崎先生によって設立された道場は、宮崎先生と中核の生徒数名の努力により、継続されてきました。現在では、長年にわたり日本や世界の他の地域から何人もの先生方に支えられてきました。
朝陽館の歴史は宮崎先生が、シカゴに移住し数年後に朝陽館を設立した約45年前にさかのぼります。当初道場はダウンタウンのベルモントアベニューに、数年後、土曜日のクラスは郊外のスコーキーに追加されました。宮崎先生は約30年前に日本に帰国し、朝陽館は生徒たちが引き継ぎ、非営利法人として法人化しました。 その時、前田先生(左の写真参照)がシカゴ剣道場から移籍し、2010年に亡くなるまでヘッドインストラクターとして指導下さりました。

Ken Sakamoto, 7 dan Kyoshi - Head Instructor
Kotaro Yoshida, 7 dan Kyoshi- Guest Instructor
Kenichi Hatakeyama, 7 dan Renshi - Guest Instructor
Keisuke Hori, 6 dan Renshi - Instructor
Zia Uddin, 6 dan Renshi Instructor
Tomohiko Hayashi, 6 dan Instructor
Kenichi Okada, 6 dan Instructor
Dale Umeki, 5 dan Instructor
Richard Tizzard, 5 dan - Guest Instructor
Mark Sasaki, 5 dan instructor